It is an interesting conversation to have with a BIM Manager. Ask them how they manage their families.
The accepted methodology is to have a read-only library, then to let the operators on a project loose on the families when they copy them into the project. After the project has concluded, the job of the BIM manager is then to have a reconciliation between the families in the project and the families in his library, and to make sure that future projects include improvements to the families going into the future.
What is the alternative? Have a BIM department/manager that constantly improves families as projects are ongoing. However, that would mean that a waiting time is incurred, which might prove deleterious from a cost-benefit perspective.
I think the answer lies in the size and scope of the company and the nature of the projects they become involved in. Also, it would be useful to do a timeous audit on families during projects to see if the improvements made on them during a specific project can be leveraged in a project that is running in parallel. Perhaps a hybrid method should be followed, and a BIM lead on the project to alert the company BIM manager to noteworthy improvements.
Ultimately the efficiency and performance of the company must be of primary importance to the BIM department, and family management plays a central role in this.
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