Revit – Displaying Wall Layers in Phasing

How can one display graphically (within a phase) a wall to a contractor so they may accurately estimate the cost of demolishing a specific type of wall?

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers

I have spent literally some weeks as a young man smashing down all types of walls using sledgehammers. There is a world of difference, for instance, between a wall using brick force and one that does not. The cost of demolishing them can vary significantly.

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers

Consider the situation show below where both walls are of the same type, but one is shown in the existing phase as seen through the Phase Filter “Show Previous + New”. Is it possible to show the wall layers within the existing wall?

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers

The short answer is yes, but as it involves a lot of manual work I do not believe it is worth one’s while. The only way which I have found works is to use a phase filter to isolate the Existing phase.

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers

Select all the Existing walls and create parts.

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers

Override by element in view all the parts and existing walls.

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers

Override the cut lines to black.

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers


In the required phase filer the walls now look like this:

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers

What would have been a lot better is if one were able to override the appearance of these walls using a view filter but where the filtration is done by phase. Unfortunately the phase is not a property that can be used in the filter creation.

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers

This is exactly what is proposed by the following idea. Vote for it if you would like this functionality available for Revit in the future:

Revit, Phase Visibility, Wall Layers


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