AutoCAD Electrical and Inventor – Part 2

When creating the link between Inventor and AutoCAD Electrical you need to create an EMX file in a shared location.

Creating the EMX file can be done either in Inventor or AutoCAD Electrical.  To create the EMX file in Inventor, open an Assembly file and click on the Electromechanical tab.  Clicking on the Electromechanical Link Setup button will open the following dialog box.


AutoCAD Electrical & Inventor

  1. Create new Electromechanical file.
  2. Link to an Electromechanical file.
  3. Type in your Electromechanical file name.
  4. Specify the shared location of where the Electromechanical file will be saved.

Once this is done you can specify which program to give preference to if there are any conflicts while the 2 software packages are syncing data.

To create the link file from AutoCAD Electrical activate the project that will drive your Electrical drawings and open a new file.  Select the Electromechanical tab and click on the Electromechanical button.

AutoCAD Electrical & Inventor

  1. The Electromechanical Link Setup button situated on the Electromechanical tab.
  2. Either Create an Electromechanical Link or Link to an existing Electromechanical Link.
  3. Type in your Electromechanical file name.
  4. Specify the shared location of where the Electromechanical file will be saved.

If you link to an existing Electromechanical file you will get the following dialog box.  It has all the information that was input when the EMX file was created in Inventor.  You are also able to unlink the EMX file from the current AutoCAD Electrical project.

AutoCAD Electrical & Inventor



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