AutoCAD Layers – Filters Part 1

AutoCAD Layers – Filters Part 1

When it comes to AutoCAD layers we like things to be kept simple and clean. You do not want to have a whole range of layers visible that you are not currently busy with. This is where the layer filters comes into play and is very useful.

To access the filters, if not visible on the left-hand side of the layers manager dialog box, select the 2 arrows either on the top left or bottom left of the dialog box.

AutoCAD Layers

There are 2 types of filters that you can apply to the AutoCAD layers. These are the Properties Filter and the Group Filter.

AutoCAD Layers

The properties filter works exactly as the naming convention says. It uses the properties of the layer to filter out the layers that you are looking for. These properties include the following

  • Status
  • On/Off
  • Frozen/Thawed
  • VP Frozen/VP Thawed
  • Locked/Unlocked
  • Set to Plot/Set not to Plot
  • Colour
  • VP Colour
  • Linetype
  • VP Linetype
  • Transparency
  • VP Transparency
  • Plot Style
  • VP Plot Style

When applying Layer Filter Properties you first specify a filter name for easier identification. You will then start filling in the criteria for the filter that you are applying to your existing layers. In the image below I have inserted a portion of the text that is present in some of the layers. If I type in “trans” then nothing shows up in the filter preview.

AutoCAD Layers

To see the filter being applied correctly we will need to do a wildcard search. To do this you will put an asterisk in the front and back of the section of the word that you are trying to filter out. eg. *trans*  This gives the below filter preview.

AutoCAD Layers

If you insert 2 filter search criteria eg *yoke* and Freeze layer then below you see that no layers have been filtered out. The reason for this is that if you put in 2 or more filter criteria on one line then both filter criteria need to be adhered to.

AutoCAD Layers

If there is 1 filter criteria on two different lines then either one line or the other line of filter criteria needs to be fulfilled.

AutoCAD Layers













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