When one decides to add additional commands to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), one may be disappointed to find that “following the instructions” does not exactly result in the intended.
On the Customize User Interface (CUI), looking at the yellow highlighted text: “To add a command, drag a command from the Command List pane to the Quick Access toolbar, a toolbar or a tool palette.” One may then be tempted to drag the command from the list onto the Quick Access Toolbar, as shown by the arrow in Red. This is not the correct interpretation of the instruction.
First one must expand the panel that is labeled “Customization in All Files” (shown in purple). Then expand the “Quick Access Toolbars” node to see the available QAT’s.
For users that don’t generally customize AutoCAD the process is now simple. Drag the command onto the relevant QAT as listed in CUI.
The result is that the command now appears in the QAT list of commands. Click “Apply” to see the result in AutoCAD but keeping the CUI dialog open (should further changes need to be made in CUI), or click “OK” to apply and return to AutoCAD .
Now those that are familiar with the CUI will recognize that the dialog can be expanded.
This gives one the power to save one’s changes out to a partial customization file through the “Transfer” tab.
A video demonstration of how to go about saving out one’s own customization file may be viewed here:
Another way to open the CUI interface is to run the command “CUI” from the command line, or to click on it in the Manage tab.
At Micrographics these are topics we deal with in our AutoCAD Advanced course. Make sure to contact us if you would like further instruction or help in customizing AutoCAD.