Sync Autodesk Vault Professional to Fusion Team (Part 2)

In Part 1 we were introduced to two scenarios where data needed to exchange hands.  Up to a few years ago this would have been done via email (for smaller files) or FTP (for larger files), possibly even physically handed over on a storage device.  This process became easier with the possibility to share cloud drives but is now enhanced more with Project Sync.  Allowing Fusion Team projects and Vault folders to be synchronised.

The following steps are a high-level overview of what is required.

  1. Setup a Fusion Team project and invite users to join the project. This will give all external collaborators a central space to store and access data.
  2. External collaborators can install Autodesk Desktop Connector to sync data from the Fusion Team project to their hard drive. This is to avoid having to manually download and upload files to the project.
  3. The Vault administrator can then setup the sync between Vault and the appropriate cloud drives and folders. This synchronisation can be for specified folders or even files (based on a filter) from the Vault server to the specified folder in the Fusion Team project.  This sync can be setup to
    1. Upload from Vault
    2. Download to Vault or
    3. Be bi-directional

Option C suits Scenario 1 as information can flow in both directions for internal designers and external collaborators.

Option A suits Scenario 2 as information only flows in one direction, this can be augmented with the use of filters to only upload the required files for machining.

The setup of project sync in Vault is an administrative task and will be covered more in depth in Part 3.

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