Setting up your Vault-Inventor Workspace? Here’s how.

So you want set up your workspace, but confused about how it works. This quick guide will explain the basics.

The Project File

Inventor Project files control and point to the location of files and associated data for your Inventor designs. The locations of Templates, Libraries and Content Centers are all mapped here. In order to work with Vault, you need to create Vault Project file.

Create a “New Vault Project”

The Workspace

The location where you will work with your data and upload or download it from the Vault server, is referred to as your local workspace.

Choose somewhere easy to remember and standard across all users for best practice. I choose c:/Vault Workspace.

Choose a workspace

The folder structure contained in this workspace will be mirrored on the Vault as you check -in your designs.

The Mapping

You need two basic folders to begin with:

  1. Content Center Files – Library Folder where content center files get sent
  2. “Designs” folder – A folder where all your designs will save to (You can call this whatever you want)

Create these two folders on the Vault.

Log in to Vault from the Inventor tab, Inventor and click the expandable menu in the Vault.
Map Folders dialog box

Now, here is where it gets tricky. The “$” indicates the root folder of the Vault, which should match the root folder of the Workspace, but you may encounter an error saying you cannot map the root folder.

You must explicitly set the workspace location in the project file.

Point to the Designs folder mentioned earlier.

And that’s it, you’re done.

The rest is just checking in your .ipj file and begin working on your newly set up Vault.

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