AutoCAD – Extrude vs Presspull

AutoCAD is a great 2D package but did you know it also has some nifty 3D capabilities. In any 3D software package, the most commonly used feature is Extrude.

Extrude allows you to create a solid or surface object that has a constant cross-section shape. AutoCAD has Extrude but it also has the Presspull command and it seems to do the same thing so what is the difference.

The Presspull command allows you to create a solid shape with a constant cross-section shape just as the extrude command allows you to. What the Presspull command will do is to join the new feature to the existing solid if it is being pulled away from it or if the profile is being pushed into an existing solid it will perform a cut.

This will allow for quicker modelling as when you are working with the extrude command, an additional solid -union or solid – subtract command is needed to either join or discard material in the model.

Additionally with the Extrude command you can assign a positive or negative angle to create a taper. This is useful when creating objects for Mold design. You are also able to use a path to guide the extruded profile along. This is very similar to the sweep command.

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