AutoCAD Mechanical is one of a collection of AutoCAD software that is included with the AutoCAD with Toolsets offering from Autodesk. It is able to create predefined content as well as custom content (all 2D) and then it is able to output Bill of Materials as well which is in my opinion a fantastic tool to have especially when it comes to counting blocks manually or even by data extraction.
Included in AutoCAD is the ability to do calculations on the content that it creates. This includes being able to do FEA on beams as well as shaft, bearing and screw calculations. Not too bad for a 2D design software package.

Sprockets,chains, pulleys and belts are also in the list of content to be created by doing the calculations first. So here we have function before form. Lastly you can also create springs from the calculations panel which will help if you are struggling to get those drawn up.

If you have worked in Inventor before you will notice that it also has functionality very similar to this in the design accelerators that it offers. Once again this goes to show that AutoCAD Mechanical is a fantastic software package with much to offer. If you have subscribed to the AutoCAD with toolsets why not download AutoCAD Mechanical and give it a test.
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