In any design process creating reports can be a real bother but with the AutoCAD Plant 3D software you can easily create reports from data that either resides on individual drawings or the whole project. It is easy to create these reports but getting the exact template for your company might take a lot of note as with creating any template.
Creating the reports does not come from within the software but from a supplementary software that gets installed with AutoCAD Plant 3D – Report Creator for AutoCAD Plant 3D.

As you can see in the above image you are able to select any projects that you have currently been working on or browse to a long lost project that has not been touched for a while.

The Report configuration will allow us to select a template that has been created and form there will generate that report. Additionally you can still edit the report if you so wish and modify it to your further needs. Once the report template has been selected you will then have the ability to select all the drawings in the project or just a few select drawing that you will need that report to be generated on.

Below is an example of what a final report will look like. Once you are happy with the layout and information pertained in the report you can publish out to a myriad of file formats, excel, odf etc as well as to hard copy.

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