AutoCAD Plant 3D – Project Compare

When working in AutoCAD Plant 3D you will inevitably start off with a template project that you setup in the beginning of your Plant career. Copying the settings from a previous project makes life very easy as all your settings will be correct when creating your new piping, P&ID’s as well as your iso’s.

When working in any CAD software package you will find that the template project will need to be tweaked as additional standards new to be updated or added. This can be an issue when in the middle of a project as you will not have the time to modify your template project as well as the project you are working on so you inevitably you just change the current project and soldier on. This can bring up some issues when working on later projects as you might start off any new projects with your template project which does not include the modifications that you created.

This is where the Project compare tool comes in handy. If you have made modifications in any project you are now able to easily compare what the differences are between that project that your and your template project. (or any other project you choose).

To start the process you right click on the project that you have open and select Project Compare.

Once this is done the Project Compare dialog box opens and you are given the option to select your template project.

You will then be able to go through the list and add the additional settings that you have created in your one off project back into your Template Project.

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