If you are the administrator of your Autodesk account you might have noticed some Reporting tools that are available in your Autodesk portal which are not available on the conventional users.

If you have wondered how efficient the use of your Autodesk subscription software is but do not know how to measure who is using what and when and for how long, the Reporting on your Autodesk account is able to help you.
First we have the Activity Log. This allows you to gain a quick overview of what has been happening in your Account by showing you who you have added or removed from your account as well as wh had had licenses assigned and unassigned and on which date and time.

Additonally for the Activity log you can create filters to see specific data that you are interested in. Setting a start and end date for when the data was created is great for triming down the information that will be displayed.

Additionally you can set the type of Event that you want to report on. This includes events such as creating or deleting groups, assigning products to users, assigning roles to users, creating additional Teams and many more.

If you are searching for specific users and what activities have happened with them, select user and start typing the name of the user. Select and add it to your filter.

The same applies for Group and Product. If you start typing in the name of the group or product a list will appear and you will be able to select it for your filter option.

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