Autodesk Insights – Features and performance

Over the past few months you might have noticed an email arriving in your inbox with the heading My Insights from Autodesk. You probably took no notice of it and just went along with your busy day. This could be to your detriment both for yourself and for your company and employees if you are a CAD Manager.

Autodesk has introduced Insights for Revit and AutoCAD, allowing you as an individual or as a CAD manager to highlight inefficiencies when it comes to the design process.

Feature recommendation will help you discover new commands to make your work more efficient. How often do we find ourselves using commands that were introduced many years ago and not using a newer command because of the familiarity. These newer commands are much quicker but we do not use it either because we are afraid or because we are not aware of the command.

There is an application performance area as well. This allows us to monitor our computer and how fast or slow it really is. I have heard countless complaints about PC’s being slow but there has never been a metric to see how slow. With Autodesk Insights the metrics that are now availble are startup times, file open times as well as how long it takes to save a file.

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