Autodesk Inventor has an additional environment which allows you to represent Weldments which could be used in your design. To activate the Weldment environment you can either open a Weldment assembly from directly inside the normal assembly you are working on or you can open up a Weldment assembly from your templates folder. Once this Weldment file has been created it cannot be converted back into a normal assembly.
When faced with the task of doing a weld between 2 faces that are not touching each other Inventor has a feature named a Groove weld. The below illustrates how Bead is created between 2 straight faces.
The below Groove weld is created by selecting the axis of the cylinder to push the weld bead straight onto the flat surface.
The below Groove weld is created by selecting the edge of the block so that it pushes the weld straight down.
The below Groove weld has a radial fill and is created by selecting the 2 cylindrical faces and then making sure the Radial fill is selected.
In all of these you can select the Create Welding symbol and the symbol will be automatically created for easy access in the 2D drawing environment.
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