With the release of Autodesk Vault 2024 Autodesk has once again shown us they have the client and their workflows in mind when looking at new functionality.
With the Vault 2024 we have the addition of peer review for lifecycle state transitions. This allows you to enforce reviews for critical lifecycle changes as well as increase buy in for all levels of the business no matter if you are designing or not. This also allows for increased transparency when approving designs. With the peer review enabled the design will not be allowed to move to the next state in the process without someone in authority giving it the go ahead.

Backing up large Vault filestores has always been a tedious affair and can take many days to complete.With the latest backup process in Vault 2024 you are able to select which Vault you would like to backup. Unlike previously if you had multiple Vaults it would backup everything. The new backup also allows you to backup without doing the initial validation which in previous version could only be done through your command line entry.
You are also able to redirect the Vault to a new file store location. This allows more flexibility for the administrator as it allows them to prepare a new filestore location (moving to a bigger hard drive) whilst still using the old filestore so that the designers are not stopped in their tracks waiting for the Vault to finish its move.

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