Autodesk Vault and Autodesk Construction Cloud

One of the advantages of working with Autodesk software is the integration that will be offered to you no matter which software you are using. Recently I was tasked with sharing AutoCAD files from Vault Professional into Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) so that users onsite could access the Vaulted data, modify it and then have those changes reflected back into Vault so that the information was secure and there were no mismatches in information.

I had my Autodesk Vault Job Server and Desktop connector installed and had logged into the desktop connector. Next was to setup the mapping of which folders were to be synchronised and I was good to go! The testing worked perfectly. I uploaded the dwg file, downloaded it from ACC and then modified it. Replaced the file in ACC and the changes were pushed back into Vault where I could see those changes. This was all happening on 1 PC with 1 user logged in but what about the situation where the user uploading and downloading the file is on a separate PC to the Job server.

There were some hiccups where there was a continual error on the Job Server telling us that it could not find the folder situated on the ACC. We eventually figured out that it was a permissions issue. The Autodesk account that was logged into the deskop connector and the Vault server should have a license of both Vault Professional as well as BIM Collaborate Pro. They should then also have admin rights for Vault as well as have Project admin rights in ACC.

With the above configuration we got the dwg files uploading and downloading seamlessly into Vault where all the information was synched correctly.

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