Once again Autodesk has released a very much improved Autodesk Vault with it being updated to version 2025.
Data security is enhanced in this release with the addition of some password enhancements. As an administrator you can now enforce password policies to prevent unauthorized access and protect your intellectual property against potential security breaches.
You are able to control how users create their passwords such as enforcing a minimum length, a combination of upper- and lowercase letters as well as numbers and special characters. As with other systems if you are not able to remember your password, on the next login attempt Autodesk Vault will prompt the end user to reset their password. For Thin Client users to reset their passwords, they will have to access the Vault via the Thick Client. You are not able to reset it through the Thin Client.
Email notifications have been enhanced in Autodesk Vault 2025. With these enhancements you are able to send customised email notifications. These include customised subject line and body of the email. These email notifications can be set to alert specific users at different stages of the design when a specific lifecycle state occurs.
For instance you will know exactly when you need to go to production as the system will alert you to the files being released. These notices can also be configured to email a range of email addresses with certain criteria like the company name MGFX. eg John@MGFX.co

Maintaining your Autodesk Vault and making sure that the filestore does not get too bloated has been improved with some enhanced purge functionality. You are now able to purge all the contents of a folder or project. The purge functionality has also been expanded to purge files on Lifecycle Transition. This option is available under the Transaction actions and will purge files, folders as well as items.

The last enhancement I want to mention is the biggest and best for me. It is the updating of the copy design tool for Vault Basic. The Copy Design tool in Vault Basic did not have as much functionlaity s the Copy Design in Vault Professional and I am very glad to announce that they have updated the tool for the many users who do not need anything more than the Vault Basic functionality in their day to day routines.
This new Copy Design provides more flexibility and control over how your designs are copied. Vault Basic design now uses a modeless dialog with a toolbar. This means that you can work on both the Vault client, adding and removing files, renaming files etc as well as have the copy design open to create your copies of the assembly you are working on.
You are also able to customise the layout by adding and removing the field columns, show or hide grid lines and automatically resize the colu,mn sizing. These can be seen to be little things but when you are trying to interrogate data and you cannot very quickly see what the words are in a long description can frustrate a user.
You have an action column which will indicate what exactly i being done to the file. Whether it is being copied,reused, replaced, excluded or if it is being copied to another folder.
The Navigation Panel allows the user to identify specific information regarding the files being copied. This could be the source or the destination of the file or what the folder structure is of the files that are about to be copied.
An additional Numbering Scheme Panel has been included to quickly determine what the old file is and what the new file is after applying a naming scheme like pre- or postfixes or a completely different numbering scheme that has been created inside the Vault.

For Vault Professional the Thin Client has also had some enhancements introduced. If you are the administrator you are able to cutomise the application logo of the Thin Client display. By utilising your logo instead of the Autodesk logo you help to bolster your company image from with the rest of your colleagues. You are also able to configure the column headers and lock it. By locking the headers users are not able to customise it for a more standard workflow for everyone.
Administrators are also able to control the default landing page when opening the Thin Client. This can be separately controlled for files, items and change orders. With these different workspaces you are also able to hide each individual workspace from the users, thus giving more control over the security of some designs.

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