Fabrication Software – Migrating databases

Autodesk has a range of software products that are specifically aimed at contractors/manufacturers that operate in the HVAC space. These can include users who need to design HVAC systems as well as being able to take those systems and fabricate them.

The software that Autodesk has provided to complete these tasks include Fabrication ESTmep, CADmep and CAMduct. A later addition for this system is the link between Revit and using the MEP module and linking it to the Fabrication software for easier reuse of components that have already been created/designed. (one single source of truth)

The way that these software packages are able to work together for this single source of truth is through a database that is shared between the packages. This can be saved on a shared location and then linked to the software if you have more than 1 designer.

As this is a database, one must be careful when upgrading to the newer packages. Databases like to be migrated in small amounts and not have to leap to the latest version in one step. If for example you were sitting on one of the Fabrication software packages and it is the 2019 version, I would strongly advise to upgrade from 2019 to 2020 to 2021 then 2022 and then 2023 (which is the latest version at the moment) This will help insure the integrity of the database and you would have the least amount of issues. Before doing any of these updates one must also ensure that you have a backup! This is probably even more critical than the incremental migrations as if you lose your data it is gone forever and you cannot get it back.

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