Fusion 360 Derive

Fusion 360 (like Autodesk Inventor) has a derive function which will assist with picking and choosing what parts of a design that has already been defined, will be transferred into a new or partially created design. If you are familiar with Inventor you need to know that when you derive a component or parts thereof you start the process from the part you are deriving and not from the part/assembly you will be deriving into. So it is back to front. To find the derive command you click on the drop down on the Create panel as in the below graphic.

The derive dialog box will pop up and you will have the options to specify Destination and Type. For Destination you can specify whether you would like to derive your objects to a new design or an existing design. With the New design option it will immediately open a new design and insert the objects you selected. For the existing design, a dialog box will open (similar to the open file dialog box) and you can then navigate your Fusion Team for the correct file to derive your bodies into.

Once you have selected which Destination option you are going to, you need to decide the type of derive you will be performing. The options are Objects or Components. If you select objects, only the body/bodies you click on will be selected. If you derive a component, you will be able to bring in the component which will include all the bodies that make up that component as well as any canvasses, sketches and construction geometry you created. Once you have your selection, you are also able to bring in any Parameters you have created in your design for use in your new design.

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