The Inventor Content Center is a very useful library of components that Autodesk has made available which consists of over 750 000 components for you to use straight out of the box. The dialog box that is presented when you place a component from the content center allows you to customise the view, how the icons look as well as any visual images that make it easier for you to identify the part.

You are able to perform 2 types of searches, quick or advanced. In the quick search you can type in a string of letters and it will search for that either in the family or the members that have been created in the content center.
The advance search allows a bit more control and additional parameters when performing the search. If you select advanced search the below dialog pops up. Under the look for drop down you will find you are able to select either Families or Members to do your search. Categories can also be selected, for example look in both Fasteners and Structural shapes for the string or parameters you are specifying in your search.

Once you have selected the categories you will have the option of the category specific parameters to choose from. This will be specific to what category you have selected and if you have selected more than one category, the search parameters will only indicate similar parameters for you to choose from.

With the parameters you can select multiple with different values and then Inventor will search the Content Center for components that match those criteria. With these search options you should be able to find the exact component that you are looking for very quickly.
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