Connecting Inventor and Revit

Revit and Inventor are the 2 flagship products that Autodesk provides for the Architectural and Manufacturing industries. As the fourth industrial revolution is being rolled out we see more integration between these 2 industries. People want smart homes, clients want to see how their kitchen will look inside their newly designed homes etc. This involves having to share information between these 2 packages. Traditionally you would maybe export a kitchen that was created in Inventor to a DWG or maybe a STEP file and then import it back into Revit. The issue with this method is that the files are extremely large and made it very cumbersome to work with Revit going forward.

The other way to share data between the 2 software packages would be to export the Inventor file to either an ADSK, IFC or RFA file. This is acceptable but still not anywhere near to an easy working solution for bringing in many components and being able to schedule it easily.

The game changed with the introduction of the 2022 versions of Inventor and Revit. Autodesk introduced Revit Interoperability which allows Inventor and Revit to do a round robin exchange of information with the Revit project file being pushed back and forth between the two. This exchange also allows you to do a top level read of the parts and assemblies that are being pushed from Inventor to Revit for it to create a schedule. One of the advantages of this workflow exchange is that the files are tiny in comparison to the original workflow of sharing information.

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