Revit Add-Ins Management

1 Introduction

There are some great Revit Add-Ins that enhances the software beyond what is natively provided for by Autodesk. These are generally accessed through Autodesk Exchange. Some are for all users, while others are only available for subscription customers. Some are trial versions, some are free and some cost money. More exist from 3rd Party developers which may not exist on Autodesk Exchange. To those that have a penchant for programming, it is not uncommon to program an Add-In by leveraging a programming package against the Revit Application Programming Interface (API). Micrographics provides such programming services be contacted by interested parties if they either require custom programs or would like to purchase some, like SANSCalc (used to perform Fenestration Calculations on a Revit Model).

2 Toggle Add-In Tabs On/Off in Ribbon Menu

Add-Ins often install their own Tabs in the Ribbon menu. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) does not allow a user to switch these on and off like some of the native tabs which may be toggled using Options.

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This results in an unwieldy Ribbon menu.

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One can still force the Add-ins not to load when Revit starts up (If they are not needed, that is), although it is recommended that a user first consults their IT department before making any modifications to files in the following fashion! Make sure that Windows Explorer is set to show hidden files and folders.

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Once one has access to the folder the, Add-Ins may be toggled using the file extensions. Simply change the extension before Revit startup to something that the computer does not recognize. I choose to rename the files with the extensions “.addoff” as opposed to “.addin” if I want to prevent and Add-in from loading when Revit starts up.

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