A student asked me a question with the result that I realized I had missed one of the new developments in Revit: the underlay property of views has changed. This attuned me to the necessity of keeping up with the new developments in Autodesk software, paying closer attention to the user interface when a major update (especially R2 updates) or new version is released.
How would one superimpose an electrical plug layout on a reflected ceiling plan which is cut above the plug level? In the past one workaround that was used required undelaying the relevant view. This is no longer possible, as one no longer has control over the underlay view’s properties. One only has a view range and direction, conforming to the properties of the current view.
The solution is to superimpose the relevant views on a sheet. Activate and adjust the Sheet Guide Grid as required.
< View><Sheet Composition><Guide Grid>
Place both views on the sheet, and set their crop regions to be roughly the same. Because views cannot be aligned to the guide grid other than by references, make sure some reference intersection is visible in all the views that must be superimposed. In this case Grid A and Grid 4 intersect within the views. Set the properties of the individual views as required.
Now move each of the views onto each other, using the reference intersection as a point to place on one of the guide grid intersections.
Change out the title type on one of the views to be invisible and then set the <Title on Sheet> of the other appropriately. Unless the crop regions were aligned perfectly (impossible since one has to eyeball them), it may also be necessary to hide some of the views. Here is the result:
A disadvantage of this method is that the views are not easily navigable on the sheet. The easiest to edit individual view will be to navigate to them on the project explorer.
<RMC View listed under Sheet><Open>
If this is a common workflow, consider including these view setups in your template.