The days of manually collating drawings packs are long gone. Revit automatically tracks on which sheets views are placed. This is one of its great strengths. Consider a floor of a building. There are many plans that need to be created (plumbing, electrical, furniture layout etc.). Creating view templates is a great way of assigning instance properties to views so they conform to the standard required.
Level heads do not display their view number or their sheet number, but sections and callouts do.
Shown below is the section in plan view (on the right), the section view on the sheet (bottom left) and in the browser (far left).
The header shows the name of the sheet on which it appears as well as the view number.
The section view can be duplicated by Right Mouse Click on the view in the browser and then duplicating.
When this duplicate is placed on a sheet, the references in the headers clash.
What has happened is that the section boxes and the section annotation has been duplicated as well. Displaying both headers separately is as easy as dragging one header further along. The one header will be obscured by the other header’s annotation line. In this case the section is jogged, and so it is not possible to use the gap in segment function on the section line to negate this (headers on the right below). The headers on the left belong to duplicated sections that are not jogged. And so the gap in segment tool works well to separate the headers.
Shown below is the gap in section tool.