Revit RFO Benchmark Tool V3

How good is my PC or Laptop at Revit? How good will my new PC perform with Revit? This is an important question is, not only is the capital outlay for an office full of PCs considerable, but their performance will also impact on the profitability of a company. While one may give an educated estimate as an answer, there is always a feeling that some metrics to back it up would be helpful.

Note: the best performing and cost effective solution for Revit may not necessarily be the best solution for a bundle of Autodesk products, as may be found in the AEC Collection. For instance, Instead of running a cheaper gaming graphics card, it might be advantageous to run a graphics card more suited to CAD.

Essentially the Revit benchmark tool is a Revit Journal file that automates the generation of a Revit model, and performs various variety of tasks. Not only is the system information recoded, but the time taken to perform various tasks is evaluated.

At micrographics we engage our clients on issues of hardware, and welcome queries and requests for information and quotations. As a team we have accumulated experience across various software solutions running on various hardware platforms.

The benchmark tool may be downloaded from:

Follow the instructions in the readme. Note: to flip a switch (e.g. to create a CSV file listing the results), right mouse click (RMC) on the shortcut and modify the target, amending it with “-csv”.

If you are running the benchmark tool on a computer that has Revit installed on a drive other than the C drive, then change the path in the XML in the Resources folder file to the correct one.

The Paths section can be found at the end of the file.

Share your results for 2016 and 2017 at:


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