South African BIM Opportunities Abound – The Lead Contractor

BIM Opportunities Abound

The Lead Contractor in South Africa has an unenviable job as they have to contend with content received from upstream that might be constructed according to any one Corporate BIM protocol, and to a varying degree of BIM compliance. Multiple projects are running at the same time and they all need to be managed. The result of their efforts is not only the physical building that is handed to the client, but hopefully an Asset Information Model (AIM) that may be used for facilities management. Unfortunately, it is seldom that the AIM is delivered to the client. This can change if the upstream information is correctly supplied and if the contractor has the resources to record the As-Built Model.

Consider the following figure taken from the British Standard: BSI_PAS_1192_2_2013, Specification for Information Management for the Capital/Delivery Phase of Construction Projects using Building Information Modelling

Micrographics, Autodesk, BIM, South Africa, Lead Contractor

An additional complication enters the equation if we consider that, unlike some of our Global counterparts, South African contractors typically do not have the ability to deliver on projects of scale, and instead multiple contractors have to be roped in to complete a project on schedule. I contend that with proper design and pre-manufacturing, this might become a thing of the past. I also believe there is a great opportunity to use photogrammetry and laser scanning to record as-built information so that it may be rectified after the construction has happened. When concrete floors are cast, and before ceilings are finally installed, scan the installed components and then make sure they are recorded with good accuracy afterward.

The following figure is taken from: BSI_PAS_1192_2_2013, Specification for Information Management for the Capital/Delivery Phase of Construction Projects using Building Information Modelling and it shows a schematic of the interplay between the different actors.

Micrographics, Autodesk, BIM, South Africa, Lead Contractor

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