AutoCAD Electrical Project Description Label Customization

When using the Title Block Update tool in AutoCAD Electrical you will notice that the default project description line headings are not very useful. They say LINE1,  LINE2, LINE3 etc. So when entering your Project Description information you can (understandably) get pretty lost.

What you want to see when mapping your Title Block Attribute to your Project Descriptions is maybe Company or Software or Level.

There is a way to change it and it is not too much trouble.

Firstly we need to open a text editor like notepad and save it with the filename DEFAULT_WDTITLE.WDT. This needs to be saved in the folder where the project points to.

In the body of the text editor type something like the following.




When you select the Project Descriptions you will see (as above) that the Description title has been mapped to something more user-friendly.

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