AutoCAD Layers – Filters Part 2

AutoCAD Layers – Filters Part 2

When applying a Property Filter to your AutoCAD layers you would enter what properties you would like filtered out eg. colour, frozen/thawed etc.

Group Filters works a little differently. After creating a new Group Filter rename the filter for easier identification.

AutoCAD Layers - Filters Part 2

To place the desired layers into your Group Filter select All Used Layers and then drag and drop the layers that you would like the newly created Group Filter.

One of the great things about these filters is that it will automatically update your layer drop down to only show what layers that are being presented in the active Property or Group filter.

AutoCAD Layers - Filters Part 2

If you right-click on the Group Filter that you created, click on Select Layers and click on Add. This will allow you to select an object and it will then add the layer of that object to the Group Filter that you are populating.

AutoCAD Layers - Filters Part 2

There is also a Replace function. This allows you to replace the layers in your Group Filter by selecting objects within the drawing. Whatever layer the objects that you select are on, that layer or layers will replace ALL the layers in the group you have performed the Replace function on.

Eg. If you have 10 layers in your Group Filter and you perform the Replace function and then only select 1 object – All 10 layers will be replaced by the layer that controls the object that you selected.

Removing layers from a Group Filter follows the standard and norm of the majority of Autodesk software. Right click on the layer that you would like removed from the Group Filter and in the right click drop down menu you will see the option to Remove From Group Filter.

AutoCAD Layers - Filters Part 2


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