Inventor 2017 has already had 2 major releases. Once again the majority of these updates were user requested which is a good sign that Autodesk is listening to their client base and not dictating what they think clients want to see in the software.
These updates are fantastic in that we do not have to wait for a year to get our mittens into the juicy new features that Inventor has to offer.
Remember how irritating it was to have to include certain content centre libraries into your project. You would click on the configure content centre libraries button and then a drop down would appear and then you would have to click on that button again. It is now gone in Inventor 2017. You just have to click on the configure libraries button once and it takes you to the dialog box where you can make your changes by adding and removing content centre libraries.
Did you ever use the Mini-Toolbar. I sure as tooting did not. I hated it. It was always in the way or it was rolled up and really did not appeal to my better senses and you could not get rid of it!!!! Autodesk (bless their soul) has now given us the option to switch this feature off. I for one am glad for this as it was always in the way visually.
The measure tool has also been slightly enhanced by making it easier to restart a measurement and has added dual unit Foot-Architectural into the mix.