Marking up in Autodesk Viewer

At the bottom of the Autodesk Viewer, you will find a panel that allows you to navigate and markup the model.

The home button reorientates your model to the “home” position and the Fit button will maximize the model in the view.

The Pan and Zoom button allows panning and zooming in and out with the holding down of the left mouse button.

You are also able to section the model on the X plane, Y plane, and Z plane.  A box section is also available for interrogating the model.

The measure tool also gives you a wealth of information.  You can measure a distance which will give you the X, Y and Z values.   You can measure angles and you can calibrate the model by specifying a distance between 2 points that you have specified.

The measurement tool can be either Metric or Imperial and once again you are not restricted by inches or mm but you can go to feet, cm and meters.  The precision for measuring can go up to 5 decimal places.

The explode tool will pull the model apart so that you can see how the assembly is put together.

On the right of the bottom panel is the Markup tool.  The different markups that you have are the freeform pencil.  You can create arrows and text as well as point clouds.  You can change the color as well a the line weight of the markup you are creating.  If you find yourself stuck in a command you can simply press the escape button on your keyboard and it will deactivate the command.  To exit the markup window you can select the close or save button in the top right-hand corner. 


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