One lesser known feature in Plant 3D is the Catalog Builder,
It allows us to generate a catalog template from data in excel sheets,
We then use this template to generate a complete catalog.
Although it is not easy, its well worth the effort in defining your own system.
In the Tools, Launch Catalog Builder…
The Catalog Builder launches, you can choose one of several options explained in the section below.
Select Create new.
The Create Catalog Template menu will open,
Define the location to save the file.
Assign it a name.
Set the project to Imperial or Metric.
Select OK to accept.
The Create Catalog Template menu will open,
Define the location to save the file.
Assign it a name.
Set the project to Imperial or Metric.
Select OK to accept.
As you are reading this you have probably done some customization in the spec editor before,
You will probably recognize the information below, fill it out to match your properties.
This now gives us the ability to use the Export to Excel,
We use this excel file to do mass creation of the parts.
Select a Save location, set the File name, and then select Save.
Browse to the excel file location and open the file.
You can now edit the component details via the excel spread sheet,
It should already be populated with default data that can be tweaked to suit your needs
After you have edited the document,
You can then import your excel sheet into your catalog.