Revit – Creating Bulkhead Ceilings

Revit – Creating Bulkhead Ceilings

In this video, we look at creating a bulkhead ceilings in Revit.

A bulkhead ceiling is a great way to spruce up an Architectural Design. One ceiling is sketched with a hole cut out where the other ceiling will be placed and offset by the required distance. To create the vertical bulkhead define a ceiling with a structure that has the required thickness to close the gap. Set the material so that it matched the finish of the ceiling.

An annular boundary is sketched and the bulkhead is done. Lights may be added and new family types created so their room calculation points fall within the spaces they need to be incorporated in. Some may prefer to define walls to close the bulkhead, but if these were scheduled they would not list under the ceiling category.

However, you decide to create your ceilings, use these techniques to add a bit of form to them.

Revit, Bulkhead Ceiling


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