Revit Save Part of a Large Model to a Project File for Linking

Revit Save Part of a Large Model to a Project File for Linking

Revit Software: Store Designers often only have to work in a small part of a large shopping center. Although the shopping center.

Revit, Large File, Save Group As, Link might already exist as a Revit file, it is probably deemed too big to be used as a link from which the store design may be developed.


To create a file which only contains the model elements that need to be linked into the Revit project, create a section box around the model elements (it is probably easiest to use a section view and then to align a 3D view to it). Use the Visibility Graphics Override to toggle which categories would be included. Now select the elements and create a group form them. Right Mouse click on the group in the project browser and save the group out as a Project file.

This file may then be linked into the design file. It will be a lot lighter than the original full link

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