Woodwork for Inventor V10


Woodwork for Inventor V10 has arrived! This year we have implemented quite a few awesome features including CNC simulator, rotation of multiple textures and many more.

The only thing that spoils the mood is the situation with Inventor 2020. Unfortunately at the moment Woodwork for Inventor V10 is available on Inventor 2018 and Inventor 2019 only, and here is WHY?

Nevertheless, we hope you will enjoy using our new product and start learning about it now! Here’s where you can read more:

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What’s new in V10?


  • Grain and oversize control can be proceeded for multiple components by one operation. Now user can manage the grain and oversizes for the whole assembly, not just individual parts. This feature allows to adjust grain directions and oversizes faster and in more convenient.
  • Further improved automated grain direction mechanism. Reduced the chance of wrong grain direction and thereof wrong workpiece size, after initial material assignment.
  • The new feature which automatically increases the size of workpiece if the side surface of workpiece coincides the straight slant edge of the part.
  • A new type of oversize for sizing operation entered.
  • Now you can assign W4INV materials to iPart factories and members will be treated as Woodwork for Inventor parts.
  • The ability to use iPart components with custom parameters in the „Hardware attachment“ command has been introduced.
  • Improved iBox publishing procedure. Now the iBox component can be copied with all Autodesk Inventor tools (Vault Copy Design, iLogic Design Copy) and it will remain associative with its skeleton, irrespective of the way you copy it.

BOM generation

  • A new mechanism has been developed for BOM output. Previously, MS Excel installation was required to generate specifications. No such installation is needed now. Significantly shortened the time of generation specification to the Excel file.
  • A new type of report {BOM.ItemList} has been introduced, which allows you to output both the workpiece and the workpiece material, as a separate item record in a plain BOM.
  • Introduced a new type of table “{Table.Start.ExtendedFullHierarchy}” in a structural BOM specification that treats the W4INV Material as a separate item record. Together with the {BOM.ItemList} report makes data export to ERP systems easier.
  • Improved calculation of painted surfaces material. Surfaces painted in one color are now calculated as a single workpiece.
  • Introduced new BOM keywords that allow you to specify a slant edge angle for a rectangular workpiece.
  • Introduced new BOM keywords that allow you to extract workpiece sizes without oversizes.
  • A new option has been implemented that checks for the presence of parts that don‘t have Woodwork for Inventor materials assigned in the designed product. A list of these details, as a reminder, appears before generating the specification.
  • Modified „HasGrain“ keyword act. It is now considered that the detail has a grain direction if any of its workpiece (except edge bands) has a grain direction.

Auto Plot

  • Having a Multi Sheet drawing the Drawing Refresh command introduces a new option to refresh only the sheets specified by the user.
  • Introduced a new feature that allows launching „Drawing Refresh“ feature by specifying drawings on the disk. This way, the drawings are updated without necessarily opening them in Autodesk Inventor or refreshing one by one.
  • Now “Drawing refresh” can automatically update Custom iProperties of the part which was mapped to Woodwork for Inventor BOM data.


  • CAM Technology Simulator developed. Now user can visually check the result of the designed CAM technology in the Woodwork for Inventor CAM environment.
  • A new type of CAM operation – Sizing.
  • New post-processors created and relevant CNC machine configurations provided:
    • Shop Bot 2D
    • Xilog SCM (Old XXL format)
    • G-code 2D


  • The „Asset Wizard“ feature has been enriched by links management in the files. This facilitates the migration of one workplace project to Vault type projects, where it is very important to specify a new location for the file mentioned in the link.
  • Assembly Copier now can pair Autodesk Inventor files according to its type and apply the same renaming for it.
  • Assembly Copier settings have a new settings functionality that allows you to request convertible names for pairs of Inventor files that are linked. For example, a 3D model file and a drawing file of the same component will be able to have the same name after renaming.
  • Assembly Copier now works correctly with suppressed components.


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