Fusion 360 – Bodies vs Components

When you get started on Fusion 360 you need to get to grips with the idea that there is something called a body and something called a component and even though they look exactly the same they are different. When starting off you have the option of creating either a body or a component. If you choose the body option you are able to convert it to to a component. If you create a component, you can drag individual bodies that reside in the component back up to the main bodies folder. So what are the differences between a body and a component seeing that you seem to be able to switch them around as you will?

The main difference is that components have their own user coordinate system (UCS) or origin planes whereas bodies share the UCS of the component that they are created in. Having this UCS in each component allows motion between them and not just positional representation.

You can have a component in another component. This creates a sub-assembly and is signified by the assembly icon you would probably be familiar with which looks like 3 blocks on each other.

Sheet metal, which can also be created in Fusion 360 also comes in bodies and components. The difference here is that if you create a sheet metal body, yo cannot convert it into a component. When we are able to do this it really opens up how to create complex sheet metal parts that interact with each other.

This is an Inventor part that was created using bodies to illustrate the complexity and integration you can create.

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