Inventor and Revit Interoperability

A few years ago Autodesk started on a journey to bring the AEC and MFG industry closer together by developing a workflow that they named Revit interoperability. This workflow allowed Revit files to be inserted into Inventor with the aid of Inventor’s AnyCAD technology. AnyCAD technology is a workflow that allows Inventor to essentially Xref a CAD file from another CAD system into Inventor where you can then utilise the geometry to base your Inventor design off.

When bringing in the design you can Reference or Convert the Revit model. Referencing ithe model allows the Revit model to be linked back to the original. This means that if you change the model in Revit, the model in Inventor will update as well. If your Revit model is very large I would strongly suggest that you create a 3D view that you will import so as to bring the procesing time down. In addition to this uncheck any categories that you do not need. Time is money as they say.

Once the model has been referenced into Inventor you can start adding your Inventor components and linking it to the Revit model by projecting key geometry that you might need.

Once this is done you can export the Inventor file back to Revit as an RVT file. When exporting it keeps the same co-ordinates of where it is in relation to the Revit model and will place exactly where it needs to go for the client to peruse. When exporting you can separate the components to an extent where you can also create a schedule. This is very useful for costing purposes for the Architect.

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