When designing in a 3D parametric software package like Inventor, linking certain values across the different parts and assemblies is important if you want to keep the intent of the design. If there is a relationship between 2 components and the one needs to be modified, then there needs to be a mechanism that pushes that change from the one component to the other whilst keeping the relationship steady between the 2 components. In Inventor this can be done using Adaptivity (a method to create change without putting in physical dimensions) but if you are not familiar wit the intricacies of Adaptivity it could be a stumbling block and blow up your model late in the design where you cannot afford to lose time trying to fix a “simple” change that you needed to do.
Introducing Parameters. Parameters are able to assist with linking values between models and even if you are not familiar with them you started using them as soon as you created your first sketch and 3D feature in Inventor. There are 2 types of Parameters, Model and User. Model Parameters are automatically created when you add a dimension or feature and User Parameters are ones that you specifically create typically before a design starts.
To link your designs using Parameters you need to first create all the User Parameters that will be driving your designs in either an assembly or part file. You will then open the Parameters panel and select link in the bottom left hand corner.

Select the part or assembly you will be retrieving your parameters from.

Select the parameters in the link parameters dialog box

You now have access to those linked Parameters in your new file

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