Assembly Productivity Tools
If you have not discovered the Assembly Productivity tools in the Inventor Assembly environment then you are missing out on a powerful set of tools. I would strongly suggest having a look at these tools to see how they can help with your daily work load. With Inventor 2024.2 they have now enhanced a command by being able to save and replace all instances of a component.

Break link and Suppress link options
When creating a simplified component you now have the option to break or suppress the link in the options tab of the wizard.

Override AnyCAD iProperties
AnyCAD technology has worked wonders when importing CAD files from other software packages and being able to utilise the iProperties or metadata that resides in the part or assemblies that you are bringing into Inventor. Sometimes this information needs to be changed and in Inventor 2024.2, Autodesk has now brought the functionality to override those values in the BOM.

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