When rendering parts or assemblies in any CAD packages one might have thought that your fancy graphics card was doing all the heavy lifting. Unfortunately this is not true. When rendering in Inventor or even 3ds Max, all the heavy lifting to calculate and show that render is done on the CPU. A few releases ago Autodesk announced that they were including pre-release (read beta) support for GPU Ray Tracing. This GPU Ray Tracing creates substantially faster renders than the traditional CPU rendering With Pre-release there were issues with some of the rendering and noise coming in to the picture but you would compromise for the speed that you could get your render out. In 2024.2 GPU Ray Tracing has oficially been released. This is additionally dependent on where you have a qualifying graphics card to support the GPU rendering.

One of the enhancements I am excited about is the ability to search in the Parameters dialog box. I usually have many parameters ina design and now having the ability to filter out what I am looking by typing in a search is going to increase my productivity immensely.

Measuring has always been a bit of a non event in Inventor. A few releases ago they did an overhaul of the measure command but according to other CAD packages it was still not hitting the spot. Inventor now has the ability to add and subtract measured values as well as measure from a sketch point to a non-planar face. Mass is also included as a measurement option in your assemblies and when measuring parallel objects your X,Y and Z are shown for minimum and/or maximum distance.

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