Converting an Inventor Material to PBR material in 3DS Max

Rendering in Inventor can give good results but if you want great results you need to look at a different program like 3DS Max. One way to get these great results in your image is to create a material which although is flat, represents a real world object like the bumps on a brick or the little imperfections on old plastic.

One of the ways that you are able to do this is the use of PBR materials. This is short for Physically Based Rendering.

When bringing in your model from Inventor the materials are not Arnold render ready so you have to first do a conversion to be Arnold ready. This can be accessed by selecting the Rendering drop down menu and clicking on scene convertor. Select the Convert to Arnold preset and click on convert.

When you rener the scene after converting the material the rubber looks flat.

Open the material editor and select the material that is applied to the wheel. Right click on the material header and select change material/map type.

Type PBR in the top search bar and select the PBR metal/rough or spec gloss, depending on what look you after.

You can download PBR materials from here.

Once this is done you will map the different maps to the PBR material by dragging the relevant bitmaps onto the maps of the material.

Once this is done you should have a more realistic material for your render.

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