Autodesk Inventor has an additional environment which allows you to represent Weldments which could be used in your design. To activate the Weldment environment you can either open a Weldment assembly from directly inside the normal assembly you are working on or you can open up a Weldment assembly from your templates folder. Once this Weldment file has been created it cannot be converted back into a normal assembly.

The Fillet Weld dialog box looks like the below.

When creating the bead you have the option to select the 2 faces/sides and then insert the size of the bead. Below you will notice I have purposefully created the legs as 10mm and 5 mm to show the difference.

The below shows how you can create the bead using a throat measurement of 5 mm.

There are also options to create the weld as straight, convex as well as a concave bead.

As you can see you are also able to control the offset of the concave or the convexity of the bead.
On the intermittency option you have controls for length and pitch for the created welds.

In the extents options you have the options of having the weld running along the entire length of the 2 faces or you can also create some offset values if the entire weld is not needed.

Finally if you need to create the weldment symbol here for easy access in your 2D drawing it is available as well. Just tick the option Create Welding Symbol in the bottom left hand corner and fill in your details.

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