Assembly Code File Path for BIM

When first embarking on my BIM journey, I included items like the Assembly Code file in a “Standards” folder and renamed it in the format of the relevant protocol. This resulted in a situation where I had to set the path to the standards file each time I edited a family.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit, Assembly Code Path

I then tried various ways of setting the Assembly Code File path (at library location in default installation directory as well as on the server, and the same for an absolute file reference).

The result? In my experience, one should never expect Revit to read the correct Assembly Code file when one is in the family editor. One may access the Assembly code through the project instead. In that case, one may overwrite the original family if one wanted the assembly Code as part of the family definition.

This makes the problem a bit easier to digest, as one can simply set the absolute file location to any file one chooses, which mean using the Central Resource folder is just fine. Also, provided the file -conforms to the required format, any standard may be accommodated.

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit, Assembly Code Path

This allows one to set the library location to that of one’s choosing:

Autodesk, Micrographics, Revit, Assembly Code Path

One would just have to remember to set the correct file depending on the incoming BIM Execution Plan per project.

Considering the Assembly Code is an important part of the BIM workflow, I believe it should be improved. Here is a link I created for the idea if you would like to vote for it:

If you would like assistance managing BIM workflows and Revit setup, please contact Micrographics so we may be of assistance.


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