BIM Model Level of Definition – Critical Interfaces and Logic

In the blogs in this series, we look at the structure of the BIM Model Level of Definition Table

In this blog, we have a look at what Critical interfaces and Logic is required. As a side note, the Employer Activities are not listed here. Typically, the Client BIM Consultant will evaluate the Stage Complete data drops to give the go-ahead and authorize payment.

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The relationship of the Concept Model with the environment (social and natural) is evaluated. This is critical as the building has a long life (80 years?), lasting savings can be made and the impact on the natural and social environment can be minimized.
During the Definition Modelling, the Conceptual Model is developed to conform to the spatial and environmental constraints. Tolerancing is important for foundations for assembly of modular systems, and movements of the building are considered. Thermal expansion can be significant, as are responses to natural disasters like earthquakes.  
The Design Model finalizes the dimensions of the systems.
Micrographics, BIM, Model level of Definition, Pass 1192-2-2013 Capital Delivery

The Build and Commission Model captures the actual dimensions on site and starts tracking the assets. Smaller unmodelled items like conduits and small pipes are scanned during construction as their placement might be lost during concrete casting and other construction.

During Handover the systems are tested, and transducers installed to monitor performance. This information is also captured in the model.

Lastly, during operations, any modifications or maintenance activities are tracked and monitored.

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