Plant 3D BIM collaboration project – Part 4 – End user collaboration

The last section in this overview in the BIM 360 is the document management,

If you have ever seen or have used Autodesk Vault,

you may recognize the system as we go,

in a nut shell, it does work in very much the same way as Autodesk vault, though without the local server,

This enables us to use a check in and check out system,

This helps create some control on drawings so that many people can access a project and work on it without fear of overwriting someone else’s work.


When you have a project that your Plant 3D has been linked to

Go to your Project manager and set it as your active project,

There is a drawing in the list below and you can see that it has a status with a question mark,

This is showing what is the current condition of the drawing,

If you are uncertain of the what the symbol means,

You can look in the details section bellow.









If you open a drawing,

Its is downloaded and set to read only.

To edit, you need to switch to the Collaborate tab,

Then select Check Out if it is available.





When the drawing is checked out, the symbol changes and changes can be saved.

You can Attach other information or Undo Check Out

When you are finished with the drawing you can select Check In,

This will allow others to download and edit the file.

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