BIM Model Level of Definition – Construction Requirements

In the blogs in this series, we look at the structure of the BIM Model Level of Definition Table

In this blog, we have a look at the Construction Requirements. The Project Manager probably has the most intensive input in transforming the model into the Digital Twin which the Client will use to operate their asset. However, there are also the day-to-day responsibilities with regard to the actual construction. Cranes, equipment, and resources need to be positioned, and sometimes 4D clashes must be relied on. Traffic diversions must be considered and simulated for authorities. Formwork details need to be developed.

Micrographics, BIM Model Level of Definition, Pass 1192
Safety of the public, as well as the workforce, is critical, and confirmation that formwork has been removed is important. Lastly, any temporary safety issues and design defects must be addressed.
Micrographics, BIM Model Level of Definition, Pass 1192

The most extreme case I read about where defects played a role in determining the life of a building was where strain gauges were used to perform health usage and monitoring on sub-standard steel sections. Since the steel could not be trusted to perform as designed, the authorities decided to monitor and predict their time of failure. That way, at least some use can be gained from the building, instead of just breaking it down. This is much the same process that is followed with helicopters, which are notoriously difficult to predict failure in even when there are no defects in their materials.

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