In the blogs in this series, we look at the structure of the BIM Model Level of Definition Table
- What the Model can be Relied Upon
- Output
- Parametric Information
- Critical Interfaces and Logic
- Construction Requirements
- Project Costs
- Project Logistics and Offsite Activities
- Project Facilities Onsite and Offsite
- Notes and Associated Project Documents Based on Model Information
In this blog, we have a look at the Project Costs.
There is a lot of pressure from the beginning of the project to get an idea of the costs involved. This makes the modeling of the conceptual and definition models time-sensitive. To achieve success, it is critical that the modeling methodology, family, and template management are prepared as best possible. The pace is frantic, and the quantity surveyors are under a lot of pressure to come up with cost estimates. During the design phase, a much more detailed estimation is made, and the sub-contractors are also brought into the process. It can clearly be seen how the process is iterative, giving constant feedback to the client on the progressive cost estimates.

In the build and commission phase, the prices are set for the contract sum and the target price. A pre-construction whole-life cost plan is delivered. The handover and closeout phase delivers the final account. Once in operation, the actual costs are recorded, and the sinking fund is used for maintenance and asset repair and replacement.

The bottom line counts. Schedules and takeoffs matter. Set yourself up for success at every stage of the project, and do the necessary preparation on your templates and human resources so your projects come in on budget, and on time.
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